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Kim @ (209) 479-6557
My name is Kim. I have loved the masculinity of the Great Dane beginning as a child. I first began breeding American Great Danes in 2006 and in 2009I only focused on European Great Danes. I have always been attracted to the beauty of the European Great Danes. I found them very hard to find here in California but after a lot of research for quality, I have imported some amazing dogs over the years.
I also bred french bulldogs and presa canarios but am now retired from those breeds.
I offer quality European Great Danes for sale to loving homes. I take great pride in all my dogs. All the pups that come out of my home are top quality, great conformation, and temperament. They are very well socialized and make amazing pets!
European Great Danes from us means producing only quality,. Our 100% European Great Dane puppies, big heads, bones, great muscle, structure, and nice lip. Bred to European standards for show or to make a quality pet.
What's the difference between European and American...refer to 'food and facts' for a little information on that subject.
My dogs are all family pets, but it is not safe for them to all live in my home. I have spent thousands of dollars making their space perfect for them.
Sorry, I NO LONGER allow anyone to my home ...times have changed, and trusting the outside world to come to my home isn't in the cards anymore. After having dogs stolen that sadly put an end to it. I post my AKC inspections and animal control inspections on FB for viewing.
How did you come up with that dog's name?
What's it mean?
My dogs are all given Portuguese names that carry a meaning. This idea came from the inspiration and influence of a very SPECIAL man , my father.
Thank you for looking. Feel free to write or email with any questions.
or visit Facebook search: European Great Danes-Kims for many great pictures and information on my quality Danes.
Thank you again for visiting.
My goal is to put the puppies I produce into pet homes. I prefer to cater to the homes not interested in breeding. "Pet" price You will not receive AKC papers to breed your pup.
I no longer offer full AKC rights for breeding.
Pictured dogs were produced or owed by Beleza De Amaral.
Blue Brindlequin
blue harlequin
blue brindle
blue fawn brindle merle
Blue Fawn Merle & Blue Brindle
Blue Fawn
Brindle Merle
blue fawn merle
blue fawn brindle merle
Merle Piebald
blue merle
standard brindle
blue brindlequin
blue fawnequin
I will personally fly your puppy to your local airport for $1000 as long as the flight is purchased in a reasonable amount of time and flight costs permit.
Cargo shipping is $700. The puppy does flys alone but I have great success shipping puppies in cargo.
The non refundable deposit to hold your pet is $500
All puppies must be paid in full by 6 weeks old if shipping or cash at pick up.
There is a $20 per day boarding fee for any puppy not picked up or shipped out at 8 weeks old.
I ship worldwide. Also offer shipping outside the USA... Shipping costs may vary by location outside of the USA. Only restriction I have is I won't ship dogs anywhere that requires a quarantine,sorry.
Shipping will include United airfare, travel, vet travel certificate, vaccines, food, water bottle (airline permitting), and absorbent bedding. Travel create/kennel included. Above included, Shipping is generally, with above stated items,$700-to ship within the United States depending on airport.
Puppies are shipped at 8 weeks of age. If in the unlikely and unforeseen chance a puppy dies during travel a death certificate and autopsy report from your veterinarian must be received within 24 hours of flight arrival. After receipt of this documentation a replacement puppy of equal value will be sent as soon as possible. The owner is responsible for the new shipping costs incurred to transport a replacement puppy.
Payments accepted: We ONLY accept Cash, Check ( with enough time to clear) Pay Pal, venmo, cash app and zelle.
*Add and additional 3% if using pay pal. If not applied it will be added to your last payment. We are not responsible for the 3% fee.
Why crate train?
Euro or American?
I have tried a lot of dog foods over the years and have finally found two that I am very happy with. The first choice, and easily available is DIAMOND NATURALS skin & coat, salmon and potato, ADULT. The second is Precise holistic large giant breed puppy formula. I recommend Precise if you are having terrible issues with knuckling that diamond isn't helping. Due to a lot of research, I feel that the protein content is appropriate in diamond at 25% protein and precise 23%. My pups are doing wonderfully on it.
Protein content should be between 23%-25% and fat content 12%-16%. There should be no corn in the ingredients. Natural glucosamine and chondroitin should be listed in the ingredients as these promote healthy joints.
Raised dog bowls are highly recommended!
Crate Training:
Crate training uses a dog's instincts as a den animal. A wild dog's den is his home, a place to sleep, hide from danger, and raise a family. The crate becomes your dog's den, an ideal spot to snooze or take refuge during a thunderstorm.
The primary use for a crate is house training. Dogs don't like to soil their dens.
The crate can limit access to the rest of the house while he learns other rules, like not to chew on furniture.
Crates are a safe way to transport your dog in the car.
Crating caution!
A crate isn't a magical solution. If not used correctly, a dog can feel trapped and frustrated.
Never use the crate as a punishment. Your dog will come to fear it and refuse to enter it.
Don't leave your dog in the crate too long. A dog that’s crated day and night doesn't get enough exercise or human interaction and can become anxious. You may have to change your schedule, hire a pet sitter, or take your dog on walks to reduce the amount of time he must spend in his crate every day.
Puppies under six months of age shouldn't stay in a crate for more than three or four hours at a time. They can't control their bladders and bowels for that long. The same goes for adult dogs that are being house trained. Physically, they can hold it, but they don’t know they’re supposed to.
Crate your dog only until you can trust him not to destroy the house. After that, it should be a place he goes voluntarily or if you need him to be in a safe place for a brief time you are away from the home.
DON'T forget they WILL cry and night one will be the worse. DONT let your puppy out EVER when its screaming. Doing this just teaches your puppy thats what makes you come. Wait for a silnce even if its brief, then open the door and the let your puppy out. This teaches them the silence and patience made the crate door open. By day 3 you might get a 5-minute whimper but the puppy will comfortably go to sleep in their crate if you remaine consistant. Crate training is what you make it. Stick to your guns and you will be pleased with the outcome and safty a crate offers you and your puppy.
Euro or American?
The Danes are quite different in appearance. Generally speaking, euros heads are larger, the fronts are more solid, more lip, and the overall body type is heavier. In some individuals, these traits are more exaggerated than others, but my overall impression of European Danes manifest closer ties to the Mastiff than do American-bred Danes. The Euros have striking size, muscle, structure, and stoutness is pure beauty to me! That's my personal view... I happen to like them a lot within their own context, but not everyone will. It goes both ways. I've heard it said that American-bred Danes lack substance, lip, and bone, that they have a wimpy body type, straight shoulders, poorly angled heads, small heads. And euros slobber more (not always true)some will have droopy eyes and are said to live longer.
It's all a matter of taste in what appeals to you. The Americans have become more sleek and slender where the euros are bigger with a bigger heads and bones. They have more of a mastiff look. A good breed Dane can be pure beauty regardless of whether you’re more attracted to the Euros or American Danes.
The Great Dane was developed primarily in Germany and England out of mastiff-type and Greyhound stock. The principal purpose of the breed in the early years was to hunt wild boar. At that time, ears were cropped to prevent the boar's long, sharp tusks from shredding Dane's ear during the hunt. However, the Great Dane as we know it today was developed in Europe during the 1800s and declared the national breed of Germany in 1876. As a boarhound, the Dane of yesterday was different both in structure and temperament from the Dane of today. The Europeans of today are trying to keep the true look of the Dane that they developed back in the 1800s. As am I here in California with European imports from some of the top breeders and kennels.
european great dane puppy, blue merle
When I first got into Euros I noticed they grow a bit different then any American I have ever owned or bred. Its very common and I feel expected now in Euros. Seen at a young age ,this is called knuckling. Propper food and diet are key.
Here are a great link of amazing information to help you if you notice a change in your puppies feet. I highly recommend visiting Great Danes lady for great, very useful information on many different subjects reguarding great danes.
I have learned from the OFA website and research that OFA hip clearances of the parents cannot guarantee that your puppy will be free of hip dysplasia. Parents with OFA hip clearances can produce puppies with bad hips.
It is important to understand that there is a possibility that a puppy from our kennel can develop hip dysplasia, even though parents have good hips. But this does not change the fact that Great Danes all have the ability to produce occasional bad hips in their off spring. Here is why....
It is felt that genetics play between a 25% and 30% role in a dog having hip dysplasia. This means that new owners can assume a great deal of responsibility (70% to 75%) in their dog developing good hips.
This begins with feeding an appropriate diet. It also means that you should keep your dog lean. Carrying too much weight at a young age is going to add stress on soft puppy bones and ultimately negatively effects skeletal development of a young dog.
New owners need to be very careful of over exercising a pup. This means no jogging until after the dog is 12 months old. This means not exercising to the point of exhaustion, or taking the pup for long walks. Around the block is fine, but don't go on a run or couple mile hike.
Hip dysplasia has five major causes:
*genetics *diet*over feeding
*too much exercise at a young age
This is a direct quote from the OFA web site, as of 12/11/08.
"No one can predict when or even if a dysplastic dog will start showing clinical signs of lameness due to pain. There are multiple environmental factors such as caloric intake, level of exercise, and weather that can affect the severity of clinical signs and phenotypic expression (radiographic changes). There is no rhyme or reason to the severity of radiographic changes correlated with the clinical finding. There are a number of dysplastic dogs with severe arthritis that run, jump, and play as if nothing is wrong and some dogs with barely any arthritic radiographic changes that are severely lame."
As you can see the whole subject of canine hip dysplasia can be quite confusing. I strongly suggest that you keep your Dane trim and in good physical shape. Danes can gain weight easily and an overweight dog can cause stress and damage to the hip and elbow joints. High protein levels will also affect your Dane. High protein causes them to grow to fast and if they continue threw life on a high protein it can build up in the joints and simulate dysplasia.
Cant keep your Puppy/Dog?
If for any reason the new owner is unable to keep the puppy at any point in its life, they agree to contact me and give me the opportunity to take the dog back or help place it in an appropriate, new home. New owner must agree to never let this puppy go to an animal shelter, rescue or humane society. Shipping is owners responsibility to get dog to me or the new owner. All expenses are current owners responsibility. Cost of dog will never be refunded.
When can we take our new baby home?
8 weeks is the soonest my puppies are re-homed...they learn so much from being with their litter mates and mother, lessons about socialization, biting, playing, fighting etc... Not to mention the importance of Mothers milk which is full of calories & immunities. Puppies can develop separation anxiety. Also can have food aggression when weaned too young. All these & other reasons are why State of Ca changed laws to 8wks before pups can leave their mother!!! a dog trainer, most of our behavioral problems with dogs come from them being separated from their litter and mother at a young age (under * weeks) and they do not know their boundaries and what is acceptable play behavior. If they bite too hard on their litter mates or get bitten too hard, the mother and litter mates teach what is appropriate.
Full or Limited Registration.
The dog/bitch will NEVER be bred if purchased on a limited contract. If bred, Beleza De Amaral can retrieve dam and litter. If purchased with full registration; the bitch is not to be bred before 18 months or the second heat cycle.
Your puppies personality...
Please take into consideration there are dominate pups in every litter. A dominate/ alpha pup can grow to be dominate/ alpha adult. A home with a current alpha dog OR A passive family/ owner should not adopt a dominate dog, it's important to ask your breeder about characteristics of the pup your interested in. The dominance can be seen at a young age but 6 weeks and on is best age to determined this . Also a passive pup can turn into a dominate dog in its new home if it lacks leadership in the new home or is over frightened in its new home. Beleze De Amaral will know the dominate pups in the litter and make you aware. It takes the right home to own a dominate dog. Beleza Da Amaral is not responsible for an alpha pup once it leaves my premises or a pup that ends up aggressive on your premises. ** my dogs are very well socialized!! I do a series of different training steps with my pups before they leave my home to develop a strong since of security in my pups including:
~a LOT of time with 6 children from day 2
~exposed to cats
~exposed to any other animals in our home,parrots :)~4-weeks-8week new things added to play area.
*Hats, kids toys that make noise~sound of vacuum
~men are very important to a new pup at young age. Friends come over and visit them. Tall to short:)
~5weeks outside day:) ~ feel of grass
~ sounds of other dogs playing in their runs~running hose water,that's always fun~ sound of yard work ~music ~most important being inside the house to explore!
Pups raised outside are obvious, they don't know how to walk on carpet.
I take many measures to make these pups have the best chance at an open mind and ability to adjust to things that might scare unsocialized young pups.
~There is a $20 per day boarding fee for any puppy not picked up or shipped AT 8 weeks old, unless shipping or pick up has been arranged in writing ahead of time
Health Guarantee-
Ca Euro Danes-Beleza De Amaral
The breeder warrants that the puppy is in excellent health at the time of purchase/pick-up/delivery. The puppy has received its first vaccinations but is not fully protected until all of its vaccinations have been completed at 16 weeks by your vet. Therefore, exposure to other unknown dogs or placing the puppy on the floor outside of your home is risky and your puppy could get ill, parvo before those 16 weeks.
The health guarantee is good for FIVE (5) days from the time that your puppy leaves my possession. Meaning, It is required that your puppy be examined by a licensed veterinarian during this period or there will be no guarantee. A copy of the exam must be mailed to the Breeder and postmarked or sent in a picture via text within 7 business days of the purchase date to validate.
If with In 15 days of taking possession, the puppy is diagnosed with a severe genetic disability next steps follow. Step 1, the purchaser agrees to take said puppy to a licensed vet for a first opinion. Step 2, Purchaser is responsible for taking the puppy to the breeder's veterinarian at the breeder’s expense. No refunds or exchanges will be given without a written statement from the breeder’s licensed veterinarian declaring the dog unfit for sale.
If there was death that was caused by a genetic defect listed below and not neglected by the buyer, the puppy will be replaced with one of equal value as soon as one is available. The buyer's licensed veterinarian must provide the seller with a written certificate stating the exact cause of death as verified by a necropsy/autopsy at the pet owner's expense. If these regulations are not met the guarantee becomes null and void.
The puppy will have an examination by our veterinarian before being shipped. Shipped pup will come with a State of California Health Certificate signed by our vet. The breeder does not guarantee against the following after the puppy has left the Breeder’s home: Parvo, distemper, or any other communicable diseases for which vaccinations could prevent, intestinal parasites, plyometrics (Pyometra), aggression, any reproductive issues, ectropion, hypoglycemia, heartworm, undescended testicles, inverted vulva, kennel cough and viral infections, HOD, heart murmur, Entropia, cherry eye, cancer, haw eyes, gastric torsion of a stomach, Demodex mange(any type), inguinal or umbilical hernias, fleas, ticks or ear mite, giardia, and Coccidia.
We do everything we can to breed a healthy, Quality puppy but as in human life, it has a lot of unexpected circumstances that no one can control.
The breeder will offer a warranty up to 2 years of age for a replacement Great Dane of equal value if the Great Dane presents with the following Genetic defects: Congenital Cardiac Disease (results accepted from OFA), Autoimmune Thyroid Disease (results accepted from OFA), Congenital Wobblers or Congenital Seizure Disorder, results accepted only from Veterinarian certified documentation of the condition; as soon as possible, documents must be returned to the breeder (at owners expense) and results will be reviewed by my vet and the final decision made on her opinion. If the cause is as listed above dog will be replaced with a puppy of equal value as soon as one is available. NO money is ever returned. Said dog is to be returned to the breeder at the owner's expense to receive a replacement.
Cardiac Hypertrophy is not covered under this guarantee as this condition affects almost all Great Danes in their final years and is not a congenital abnormality, as well as a food or growth-related issue (Carpal Flexural Deformity, Carpal Valgus, Hypertrophic Osteodystrophy, Osteochondritis Dissecans, Panosteitis) and any other condition not mentioned above is not covered by our Guarantee. This guarantee is for original buyers only and cannot be transferred to secondary parties.
$500. Deposit is due to reserve a puppy. It's NON-REFUNDABLE!!! This means you do not get it back for ANY reason. If you can no longer keep your dog, the buyer can reach out at any time for assistance in placing the puppy/dog.
**All puppies purchased with FULL AKC will be registered to bear the name “Beleza De Amaral" in their AKC registered name. ** This is how a breeder carries on their name. Failure to do so will void the health contract.
All legal matters will be handled in Stanislaus Superior Court, Modesto CA 95350 At the owner's expense. A violation of any of the clauses in this section will constitute a breach of contract.
The Buyer has read and agrees to the above-written Guarantee.
Address & Number:
New Owner _____________________________________
European Great Danes-Kims
Little Legends Frenchies
Preas Canaro Una Dama
Licensed Kennel
Oakdale, CA 95361, US
Always Open